The First Years

Starting to write this is already bringing tears to my eyes. My sweet sweet boys, bring me so much joy. Capturing them through the years has really put into perspective how time truly is a THIEF. It is such a bittersweet feeling, watching your children grow up. You’re sad because you want them to just stay little but you are also filled with pride and joy seeing them become their own people.

They start out so dependent on you, no one on earth can make them feel as safe as you do. The late night feedings, sleepless nights. Then, before you know it, they are telling you “I DO IT MYSELF!”. They are growing into their own little people. They want to do everything on their own. Which, in some ways is GREAT news! You can ask them to put their own clothes & shoes on (although they are usually on the wrong feet or inside out) and your mornings are just a tiny bit easier. But picking out their little outfits and dressing them up everyday used to be your favorite thing.

Thats ok though, you’ll find new favorites with them. From having a full blown conversation with them and enjoying how hilarious & smart they are is one of the best things in the world. They will say things that just absolutely surprise you. My oldest son, Henry, said something in the car the other day that was just so funny. Their dad got onto our younger son, Jake, for doing who knows what (he’s a blog post on his own), and Henry being the sweet brother he is, said “Dad he wasn’t doing anything!” I replied with “And who do you think YOU are” in a joking manner. Henry then wittingly responded with “Your conscious!” I was so surprised to hear him come up with something so witty & smart. We all had the biggest laugh. I’m thankful we have little people who hold us accountable when we maybe are a little too grumpy for no reason!

The reason i am telling you this, is to reassure you, that even though they may be getting bigger, life just keeps on getting better and they become your best friends.

Being able to document their growth and personalities is something i do not take for granted. I get to look back on their tiny little features. How those features change between then & now. How their little hands have grown. Those little dimples on their knuckles that quickly fade as their hands get bigger. The way their face changes and they start to look like a kid instead of the little baby you knew.

When you photograph these things, they are frozen in time. We sometimes forget what those things looked like, but when we look back at an image, we can feel like we are back in that moment, touching their hair and smelling that little baby smell. Or even how they looked on their 3rd birthday compared to their 5th birthday! I promise, unfortunately, there is a HUGE difference. You will never regret having photos of your children. I can promise that you will regret not having them. It is something you will look back on for years, they will want to know what they looked like and their children’s children will have so much fun seeing what Grandma or Grandpa looked like & compare their children’s portraits.

Don’t get me started on YOU, mom & dad, getting in the frame. Don’t worry, there will be a blog post on that too.

Treasure those babies & capture these fleeting moments.

love, Hope